20 - 21 July 2023
Bengaluru, India

Press Release 13 March 2019

Driving smart retail and sourcing with new technology in 2019- ASW`s concluding panel discussion

Retail and technology have become inseparable lately…Even though technology can significantly improve retail performance, adequate deployment of technology is still a challenge with a large number of brands and retailers yet to go a long, long way to catch up on the same.
If you are in the business of fashion retail and want to make your mark in the Indian retail landscape, you cannot give a miss to the last panel discussion of Apparel Sourcing Week (ASW) 2019 nn Day-2 slated to be held between 15:35pm – 16:30 pm
Titled 'Driving smart retail and sourcing with new technology in 2019', this panel discussion will talk about the technologies that are supporting retail growth and making the industry more organised, like AI/Data Analytics, AR and VR.
Mr. Prabir Jana
Mr. Robert Lobo
Consultant, AI Applications
Venture Partner at Z Nation Lab
Mr. Sanjay Sinha
India / SA Leader
IBM Watson
Mr. Ankur Dinesh Garg
Founder & CEO
Hotify & Co.

About Apparel Sourcing Week 2023

Apparel Sourcing Week 2023, a three-day Sourcing Show not only provides the Asian manufacturers a platform to showcase their products & manufacturing capabilities to the Brands & Retailers from all over the world including India, but also extends them a chance to attend the multiple seminars (headed by industry experts), workshops, open-house discussions and networking opportunities organised during these three days, which would help the manufacturers get a better understanding of Indian and International Retail and evolving dynamics of sourcing in various markets and retail formats.

About the Organiser

Apparel Resources is well known for its benchmark publications – Apparel Online, FashTech Journal and Resource Guide published from India, Bangladesh and Vietnam. These publications have been around in the industry for over 35 years, supporting, guiding and standing by garment exporters and the retail industry globally, providing them a platform to source better